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Onyx Circle
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Construction & Real Estate

Engineering & Manufacturing


Corporate Functions

Onyx Circle

Onyx Circle AG is a recruitment and headhunting boutique based in Zurich. With our guiding principle "We make careers personal", we have been working in the DACH region since 2019 not only to discover the personalities and talents behind the CVs in our specialist areas, but also to ensure and develop tailor-made support and solutions for our clients through individual support. With our dedicated team of currently 12 employees, we are characterized in particular by our high level of specialization in the specialist areas of Construction & Real Estate, Engineering & Manufacturing, Corporate Functions and SAP & IT.

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Careers & Recruiting

Human Resources Management

Psychological safety: the key to success for companies


Practical tips: How to use AI tools in recruiting

Job search

This is why career goals are important

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