Labor market trends

Labor market trends 2023

A new year has begun, which for many means a fresh start and new goals. Often, a new job or more salary is also part of these resolutions. This is also evident in recruiting. But what can we expect in recruiting for 2023? We present 5 recruiting trends for the year 2023.

Automation of the recruiting process

Artificial intelligence (AI) and software tools for recruiting are improving all the time, and you can take advantage of this for your recruiting process. Among other things, these tools can help you pre-select applications by matching submitted resumes with the job profile. In addition, job ads can be automatically played out and coordinated across multiple channels. In the meantime, there are even AIs that do the writing of job advertisements for you. And these continue to learn and get better all the time. By cleverly leveraging these automations, you can speed up your application process and save money. A faster application process offers the additional advantage that applicants experience a better candidate experience and can receive answers faster.

Generation change

We are in the midst of a generational shift in the workforce. While the baby boomers, who once represented the largest generation of workers, are now gradually retiring, millennials now make up the largest share of the workforce. But the youngest generation in the workforce - Generation Z - is also becoming more prevalent. For companies, this means a breath of fresh air in the world of work. For in addition to the dwindling workforce, there is also a change in workplace values. Communication styles, work motivations and views are changing with the arrival of the new generation. Meaningfulness, work-life balance and sustainability at work are becoming increasingly important.

Employee retention

Make sure you have happy employees. As the number of skilled workers decreases, the search for employees becomes more difficult. In addition, there are some advantages if you manage to retain happy employees. When your employees enjoy working for you, they perform better, are engaged and motivated. And who wouldn't want happy employees? Happy employees can positively influence the search for new personnel. They automatically advertise to their friends and can naturally attract new people to your company.

Employer Branding

Employer branding has long been an important part of recruiting and continues to gain in importance. This is also the case in 2023. Employer branding is about presenting yourself on the labor market as a competent and attractive employer and positioning and strengthening your own corporate brand. So you want to show the advantages you have over your competitors. In 2023, the focus of employer branding is shifting to the people themselves. So-called "people-first" employer branding puts employees at the center. So it involves considerations such as "How can we meet the expectations of our target group?" or "How can we involve our employees in building an employer brand?" Building a corporate culture that properly values employees is now required.
You can find out more about employer branding in our blog.


Long waiting times and lack of transparency is unfortunately often part of application processes. It is time for this to change. Transparency in particular will become more important in 2023. Applicants want to know what the current status is and for companies to get back in touch with them more quickly. Review platforms counteract the problem of transparency by allowing (former) employees and applicants to share their experiences with companies. But this alone is not enough. As a company, you should present yourself independently on social media and provide insights into your company. In the application process itself, you should communicate openly about pay bands, opportunities for advancement, culture, and work flexibility. All of this ensures that applicants feel comfortable and valued.

Closing words

Would you like to take your recruitment process to the next level? Then working with a recruitment consultancy would be just the thing. If you would like to try this out, you have come to the right place! We look forward to hearing from you or browse our job board.

Onyx Circle

Onyx Circle AG is a recruitment and headhunting boutique based in Zurich. With our guiding principle "We make careers personal", we have been working in the DACH region since 2019 not only to discover the personalities and talents behind the CVs in our specialist areas, but also to ensure and develop tailor-made support and solutions for our clients through individual support. With our dedicated team of currently 12 employees, we are characterized in particular by our high level of specialization in the specialist areas of Construction & Real Estate, Engineering & Manufacturing, Finance & Controlling, HR & Administration and SAP & IT.