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We help you land your dream job

We believe that the right job in the right company is waiting for everyone. We have made it our mission to find that job for you. Take a look at our job market for suitable vacancies or send us an unsolicited application.

As experts in our area, we put people at the center of our service - always. Your added value: prompt, clear and appreciative feedback and advice on your career planning. Your professional success is our number one goal.

Five steps to get
Your dream job

1. Browse job offers

2. Submit your application

3. Intro meeting

4. Presenting your profile to our customers

5. Starting your new role

Onyx Circle
Focus areas

Construction & Real Estate

Engineering & Manufacturing


Corporate Functions

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Job search

This is why career goals are important

Job search

Invited to the job interview? Find out in advance!

Job search

With references and recommendations to your dream job

You have questions
We have the answers

Our focus is not on the job, but on you as a person. This means that we first want to understand exactly what your wishes and career goals are. We discuss this in a personal meeting, via video call, by phone, on site at our office or at a café near you!

After getting to know each other, we can very quickly give you feedback as to whether we currently have an exciting position for you in our portfolio.

You can also get a first impression of the available vacancies yourself directly in our job exchange. Even if you don't find what you're looking for here, it's worth sending us a speculative application: we receive new inquiries every day from attractive companies looking for suitable employees.

With us, all information is treated confidentially, because we take the personal protection of your data very seriously. You can rest assured that your resume or information from your conversations with our recruiters will never be shared without your consent.

After we receive your application, we will review it internally as quickly as possible. As a rule, you will receive feedback within five days. However, should it take longer, please do not hesitate to contact us.

It is the personality that matters. Therefore we get to know each candidate during an onsite meeting, a video all or by phone. You can also expect to learn all details about how we work and the next steps in this meeting, as well as get all your questions answered.

We provide you with concrete support in career planning and consulting - from the job search to onboarding to the next career step. The basis of our collaboration is the joint definition of your career goals. Based on this, we develop strategies to help you achieve these goals. We give you feedback on your potential and make recommendations for possible career steps.

Thanks to our deep understanding of the market and extensive contacts with companies in selected industries, we can present you with a pre-selected selection of suitable job offers. You can also look for suitable jobs yourself in our job board at any time. Of course, we will support you in preparing for interviews all the way to signing contracts and onboarding.

In headhunting or active search, recruiters specifically approach potential candidates who might be suitable for a particular position. This primarily exploits the potential of the passive applicant market: candidates are primarily approached who are not currently actively looking for a new job. 
Headhunting is often used to fill management positions or jobs with specific qualifications.
In contrast, permanent placement refers to the matching of companies and candidates who are actively looking for a new position or actively seeking a new professional challenge.

Submit your CV

Apply now: Simply send us your CV or your LinkedIn-URL. We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss next steps.

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Please feel free to contact us