
When talent runs out.

Talents are gifts that a person brings to the table and that, with ample training, can lead to peak performance.

In times of digitalization and a changing world of work, companies need high-performing employees more than ever. The reason: companies are competing for the best talent, as there is an acute shortage of skilled workers in many industries - and increasingly so in Switzerland.

You want to attract exactly these unique and supportive talents to your company? You would like to stand out from your competition in this way? Then you've come to the right place!

However, such talented candidates are not a dime a dozen and cannot be conjured up just like that. The premise is that problems such as declining loyalty to employers, changes in requirement profiles and the resulting "war for talent" are spreading in today's and tomorrow's labor market.

Where the gifts lie, there lie the tasks," says a well-known saying. So in the selection and positioning of employees, the priority is to understand not only what resume and experience the candidate brings to the table, but what motivational, cognitive, and relational talents he or she brings to the table.

This presupposes that a target talent profile is also created for the advertised position. Real talent management therefore sets itself the task of creating talent profiles for defined roles and screening applicants for these talents in the recruitment interviews.

Our task here is to identify precisely these people, who could hold key positions in your company in the future as potential top performers, and to recruit them for your company.

It can be said that well thought-out talent management will become increasingly important in the future. In the "war for talent" and in a world of shortage of skilled workers, the employer, respectively we, Onyx Circle AG, are in the provider position and must, especially when it comes to positions with a high requirement profile, vie for the favor of the talents and subsequently integrate them accordingly - with everything that goes with it.

Onyx Circle AG is able to set the right measures and incentives with the help of our talent target profile through its well thought-out and well-developed internal processes and ensure that the vacant position is filled by a perfectly suitable successor - as explained above, we do not only focus on the "hard skills", but also attach great importance to the "soft skills" of potential candidates.

For more information on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Onyx Circle

Onyx Circle AG is a recruitment and headhunting boutique based in Zurich. With our guiding principle "We make careers personal", we have been working in the DACH region since 2019 not only to discover the personalities and talents behind the CVs in our specialist areas, but also to ensure and develop tailor-made support and solutions for our clients through individual support. With our dedicated team of currently 12 employees, we are characterized in particular by our high level of specialization in the specialist areas of Construction & Real Estate, Engineering & Manufacturing, Finance & Controlling, HR & Administration and SAP & IT.